Age 11 to 15
- Course Information
- Content
- Reviews
There is a Great Leader
Inside Every Chil

Akila Farween
When I heard about SPEAK for the first time, I was so glad to know about this kind of done by Mr.Farweez I decided to enrol my son without a second thought; as I know him from my childhood, I knew he’ll do a great job. My son is in Level 2 at SPEAK and I can see a clear improvement in his public speaking skill. Thanks and good luck to SPEAK!
Duration: 8 Sessions X 1.5 Hours
Maximum number of students per batch: 15

Unlocking Life-Changing Learning Through Debating
Debating is a transformative journey that enriches cognitive and personality skills, equipping individuals not just for life but also for academic excellence. Engaging in debates cultivates and hones a wide array of valuable abilities, including:
- Persuasive Speaking
- Empathetic Argumentation
- Critical Reading
- Effective Research
- Structured Speech Crafting
- Quick Thinking and Adaptation
- Rational Decision-Making
- Active Listening
- Empathy
- Memory Enhancement
Above all, it bolsters self-confidence and self-esteem.
Moreover, debating offers debaters unique educational advantages that extend far beyond traditional learning environments. It’s a powerful tool for acquiring skills and experiences that are unparalleled in any other setting.

Course Content
• Speaking Skills
• Non Verbal Communication
• Vocal Variety
• Self-Confidence Development
• 4 Elements of Story telling
• Bringing Characters to life
• Authentic Public Speaking
• Self-Confidence Development
Speaklub – A Club of the kids,
by the kids, for the kids

Speech Videos


1. Observe – Observing is the first step in achieving personality transformation. This stems from the realization that each child is unique. Therefore, the coach will first observe the kids and understand them before expecting them to understand the coach.
2. Recognize – Following the initial observation the coach will Recognize the factors of motivation, strengths and weaknesses of the kids, and the unique characteristics of each child’s personality that call for special attention and record them.
3. Act – The coach will get down to the level of the students and address their needs instead of expecting the students to come up to the coach’s level and meet his needs. This is the level where the coach devises a personalized curriculum by Acting on the factors which were already Recognized.
4. Transform – The result of Acting is Transformation. A student who finds the process of learning and development personalized will feel engaged with the coach and her methods. As a result of building rapport and trust, active engagement and implementation of the skills the student begins to achieve a positive personality transformation.
5. Repeat – In the event where the expected transformation doesn’t occur the coach will return to the first step of ORATR, which is Observe and Repeat the process once again. However, the coach would now attempt to discover the factors or elements she might have missed during the initial implementation of ORATR.


Speakarnival is the grand finale and the culmination of our public speaking course. All our students should deliver their final project speeches at the Speakarnival in front of a live audience to successfully complete the levels.
What is in it for the student and the parent?
- Every student will get the opportunity to implement and practice all the skills they have acquired during the course in front of a live audience and face the ultimate test.
- Parents will get to witness the transformation their kids have achieved within the duration of the course.

Thank you speak, for all the encouragement, corrections and motivation. Kids learnt a lot and as a parent today I feel I made the right decision choosing SPEAK. Hannah has opened up and learnt many things. It was amazing. Looking forward for more classes in the future
Hannah’s Parent
It was a fantastic experience for Thalha and I saw all the kids really grow over the last 3-4 months. Well done and thank you and your team for the excellent support and coaching!
Parent of Thalha
When I heard about SPEAK for the first time, I was so glad to know about this kind of done by Mr.Farweez I decided to enrol my son without a second thought; as I know him from my childhood, I knew he’ll do a great job. My son is in Level 2 at SPEAK and I can see a clear improvement in his public speaking skill. Thanks and good luck to SPEAK!
Akila Farween
I think it was a very productive course. My son can speak but he was really shy. I was impressed with the way he has improved. I would on and off listen to the program and I can see a significant improvement in all of them. I see it in my son and other kids. It’s unbelievable.
Parent of Sanija
My son had a speech problem and he started speaking when he was three years old. So that is why he was having some problems but still you managed with him and it was a great success. I’m very thankful to you; because I had gone to so many speech therapists to make him speak like this. It was a great success and a great day for me.
Parent of Okitha
Thank you for providing your valuable inputs, especially in refining and fine tuning Aarav’s skills. It made a lot of difference. We intend to be associated with Speak to develop further. Thanks once again.
Aarav’s Parents
Thank you for encouraging my child to reach high in their education. We are lucky to have a teacher like you. My son is very happy to attend your class. I know that you put a lot of time into helping
Parent of Stefan
Thank you for the time, dedication and heart you give to coaching our children. We very much appreciate you and forever indebted to you for your patience and willingness to care and motivate my child and also other.
Rihma’s Mother

About Facilitator

Farweez is an accomplished corporate trainer and public speaking coach with more than 1500 hours of experience, working with 22 leading organizations in Sri Lanka. He is a champion speaker who has competed and won awards at the highest level at Toastmasters International. He was the debate coach at Trinity College Kandy (2018). He is currently the debate coach at Good Shepherd’s Convent (2021). He holds an MBA from the London Metropolitan University (2019).

Shareef is an accomplished corporate trainer and public speaking coach with more than 1000 hours of experience, shaping young minds and future leaders. He is also an Internal Auditor by profession, reading an MBA in the university of West of Scotand and a fully qualified member of CIMA. formation. He is also a champion speaker at Toastmasters International, Qatar region who has won awards at the highest level.

Shaakya is an accomplished champion public speaker who became the winner at the International Oratory Contest held by Global Unites. She holds a diploma in psychology from the University of West London and is currently pursuing a degree in psychology. She is completing an ATCL in communication skills. She’s a part time teacher, podcast host and an aspiring entrepreneur.

Hamra is a graduate of BSc(hons) in Psychology from the University of West London. She is a Mental Health Expert on the platform of ‘Yeheli’ supporting community health as a member of Without Borders Sri Lanka and the president of the Her Highness Youth Organization (Guarantee) Limited. She was a former teacher at Lycuem International and Ilma International. She is also a coach and mentor for Special Needs children.

Kithmee is a Bsc Graduate on Environmental Conservation and Management from the University of Kelaniya. She has completed the Diploma in Professional Education from the Gateway Graduate School and is employed as a Research officer at the Federation of Environmental Organizations Sri Lanka. She was a former ESL Teacher at CIS Kandy. She was a member of the debate team at Hillwood College, which was placed 2nd runners up at MTV Debater in 2012.